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Creative Expression Workshops

Gabrielle O'Connell, Glastonbury Goddess Conference, Ann Cook Photography

Creative expression is how we communicate with the world and connect with people. We use words and body language to try and convey meaning, but we often complicate that fundamental mechanism.

I'm yet to meet someone who doesn't have a story about their creativity.


Have you ever thought that you aren't creative? That you don't have a voice worth hearing? These are ideas that hold us back and together we will work to address them. No matter who you are, you deserve to be seen and valued for what you have to say.


In my workshops I help people get to the core of what is holding back their self expression using movement, vocal work and creative writing. Every workshop is a safe space with clear guidelines for trust and confidentiality. Some of the subject matter can be emotional but the focus is always on self care and listening to what feels good.


It has been my privilege to work with people from

all walks of life.

All abilities and comfort levels welcome, so don't let your shyness hold you back!

I can offer specific groups for young people, women (though the space is always gender identity inclusive) and one-to-one classes on request.

Look out for new events on my social media sites!


Follow me on social media for updates on my 2020 Workshop Programme!


  • Twitter
  • Instagram

Performance Art

I am a spoken word artist, performance poet, ritual dancer and singer. I have performed on several continents in pubs, halls, homes, woods, gardens, theatres, a west-end stage in London, community centres, festival tents and churches.
I also do talks and presentations on activism, feminism, faith, creativity and community living.
I'm available for a wide vairety of functions from weddings and conferences to open mic nights, festivals, podcasts and birthdays.
Please contact me if you're interested in including my work in your project or at your event.

Upcoming Events

  • Presenting at The Glastonbury Goddess Conference
    Presenting at The Glastonbury Goddess Conference
    Wed, 29 Jul
    Glastonbury Town Hall
    29 Jul 2020, 10:20
    Glastonbury Town Hall, Glastonbury, UK
    29 Jul 2020, 10:20
    Glastonbury Town Hall, Glastonbury, UK
    Talk-come-Poetry Performance
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